The quickest way to book with me is through p411 request, however if this is not available to you please include your name, age, hobby phone number (for verification purposes), and 2 references with your introduction as well as the desired day and time you would like to meet me. If you do not have references, I may be able to verify you with a Drivers License ALONG with a LinkIn. You can leave out sensitive info. I just need to be able to see your picture, city/state, and date of birth. If you have an established TER or ECCIE review profile that is much appreciated as well. Full requests/introductions are very much appreciated and quicker scheduled ;-)
I do not have a personal assistant so please know that if for some reason it takes me longer it is because I have been busy in my daily life, other projects, and possibly flooded with e-mails. (CHECK MY "AVAILABILITY" TAB) If for some reason I have not, please feel free to reach out again as something may not have gone through or I have been busy with my ventures. Basically...don't hesitate to try ;-)
I look forward to speaking with you!

I accept client members
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